Supporting our wider community is important to us. Our team choose causes that they are passionate about and work together to support them.
Guide Dogs
The Delta team have voted to support Guide Dogs for 2024/25, shining a light on their extraordinary work helping create a world where people with visual impairments can live independently and confidently.
Our colleague Amulya talks about what this special charity means to her:
“Guide Dogs is incredibly close to my heart, particularly because of my journey as a puppy raiser for George, a lively and intelligent Labrador who has now become a working guide dog. My experience with George has deeply reinforced my belief in the invaluable work this organisation does, providing more than just assistance; they change lives by offering independence, confidence, and companionship to individuals with visual impairments.”
Birmingham Mind & Birmingham Children’s Hospital
In 2023/24 our team held a range of fundraising events to support their chosen charities, Birmingham Mind and Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Activities ranged from Move It March and a virtual trek to the Taj Mahal, to a host of raffles, quizzes and sporting sweepstakes. And no fundraising would be complete without some scrumptious Great Delta Bake Off events!
The whole Delta team came together to have lots of fun and raised over £5,500 for these two amazing charities.
We were proud to sponsor Ambleside Allstars U8s JFC for the 22/23 season
Football clubs like Ambleside provide a safe and happy environment for boys and girls to enjoy playing football and make new friends. Grassroots clubs such as Ambleside rely on the generosity of local businesses to support them.
Our sponsorship funded new home kits for the season and pitch fees for their weekly training sessions. We have been proud to be part of the Allstars journey!
Children’s Book Project
Our people use their company volunteering days to help support charities. Our Professional Services team spent a day helping The Children’s Book Project distribute books to disadvantaged children.